Advance Now Brown Landone Audio Book
Advance Now Great Books Alive Heard It On The Radio

About Us and Contact Information

| August 8, 2012 | 2 Comments

great-books-alive-top-logo_430x100Great Books Alive (GBA) is a Media Publisher.

We are based in Nashville.

We create and manufacture Audio Books on CD Great-Books-Alive-about-us_400x300Disc, Print media including books and periodicals, Digital Media content on DVD Disc, web systems and web sites including web graphics of all types as well as Digital Media for portable devices.

We have decades of experience in all aspects of media production including print, audio, film, broadcast, digital and video.

We believe in working directly with those we do business with. While it is necessary to use technology to communicate in order to be efficient with time, we strive for as much personal contact as possible.

In creative work, direct contact expedites understanding and is well augmented with more modern forms of communication. Our success is based on efficiency. We are professionals with professional educations, diverse experience and expertise in the creative arts and technology.

With your initial contact via email, we will be happy to provide you with direct, personal contact.

Contact us directly by email:

Contact us directly by voice: Nashville 6 1 5 ~ 2 5 0 ~ 2 4 8 2

Initially contacting us by voice will allow you to leave details of your project needs and our voice system will then immediately email us with a transcription along with the audio of your message.

The Executive Producer will personally call you back in a timely manner.

During business days, this would be a few hours at most. You should indicate how late in the evening we can call or a window of time convenient for you. Our production work schedule is continuous and we are happy to call back even at what some would consider strange hours.


Category: All About Great Books Alive and Contact Information

Comments (2)

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  1. Kevin Hollingsworth says:

    If one purchased a book trailer package… do you also distribute book trailer to multiple sites and social media platforms for a fee. and how much extra is that?… I am interested in purchasing a book trailer package for my book and heavily promoting the book trailer… thank you very much kevin hollingsworth

  2. gbaadmin says:

    The trailers include being optimized and placed on Youtube.

    We can certainly discuss placing trailers on additional platforms. Just drop us an email at the direct email address listed above.

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Great Books Alive
Advance Now Great Books Alive Heard It On The Radio