How to turn your Desires and Dreams into Realities

Great Books Alive is proud to present this professional, high quality audio book. With Dramatic Reading Performance and uplifting musical interludes.
About this amazing work by Dr Brown Landone –
Known as America’s first psychologist, Dr. Brown Landone wrote his timeless classic works in the same time period as classic authors such as Napoleon Hill and his classic title “Think And Grow Rich”. However, there is a great contrast to Doctor Brown Landone’s works.
This audiobook is taken directly from an original, first edition copy of the book from our own library. Every word is faithfully preserved and delivered in the most professional manner.
“How To Turn Your Desires and Ideals Into Realities” delivers the reality of achieving real success in a simple way that only Brown Landone and his unique point of view can deliver. His realistic understanding of people, the world, science and the nature of spirit are combined in this book which has empowered many over a century in their grasp of how obtaining real success can be achieved.
Whereas the many “New Thought” books emphasized a detachment from reality and merely “thinking” positive as a “key” to success, Brown Landone illustrates with practical examples with real world examples. There are many real historical examples of his help in making people realize their true potential. From helping a destitute widow create the pie dessert industry in the United States to helping a young stenographer become a rich leader in business in New York City. From real estate to business applications and your own health. Even how to multiply your skills and efforts to be better than you ever thought you could.
About Dr Brown Landone and his amazing life –
Brown Landone was degreed in two disciplines of medical science and divinity. This training and his intellectual gift of reason and insight gave Dr. Landone a unique view of life and the real vision of success.
Brown Landone and his works are realistic and practical. His works can be more referred to as tools rather than keys to success. Doctor Landone also has a vast track record of helping many actually achieve success in life and business where many lesser equipped authors simply motivated people to imagine success in order to be successful. In other words, Doctor Brown Landone gave real tools for success that work.
This timeless classic book gives a more practical examples of real life applications to find success. This audio book is an exact rendering of Dr. Brown Landone’s work from an actual first edition copy from the antiquarian library of Great Books Alive. Nothing is altered from the original and every word is faithfully delivered.
This book is timeless and just as important today as it was when written by Dr. Brown Landone in his lifetime. Would you listen to a man that lived a successful life to be 98 years old ?
Doctor Brown Landone led a long, successful life that reflected what he taught and wrote about. Born on March 6, 1847, he lived to witness fantastic growth of science and technology in America – including nuclear energy and the atomic bomb. He lived healthy to the age of 98 and passed peaceably in Winter Park, Florida on October 10, 1945.
Brown Landone had been a medical doctor before he was known as an acclaimed author. He was a prominent writer and lecturer for many years.
Raised by his family in Philadelphia, he experienced health problems as a child who had to be nursed through one illness after another. As a young man he overcame these childhood illnesses through determination and sheer will power and faith. It was a deep desire to understand what allowed him to overcome his affirmaties that led him to study divinity and medicine.
The main incident that caused Brown Landone to look for real answers to life came to him in his early teens. By that time, he had been mostly bed-ridden due to ill health as a child. He had also experienced a farming machine accident as a child that crippled his ankle, causing the bones to stiffen and fuse together.
As a young teenager one day, he was alone at home in his bedroom when a fire broke out. His nurse was away for a short errand and the rest of his family was away at work or school. Brown Landone had always been in a weak physical state along with a crippled ankle. What was he to do?
He remembered being told that if there was ever a fire, a large, metal box containing important family papers was stored in the attic of the multilevel house. It must be saved in any event of emergency.
Brown Landone found the strength to climb to the attic, retrieve the heavy metal box, carry it all the way down the seven floors of stairs and onto the lawn. It wasn’t until he was out on the lawn with the box before him that he realized he had just achieved a feat of strength that he was supposed to be unable to accomplish! How did he find this strength?
The fire was extinguished before any great damage was done and his nurse prepared to put the young Landone back in bed to rest as usual. But he refused to go back to his bed realizing what had just occurred. He told his nurse that he wanted to sit and think.
Brown Landone eventually came to understand that the incident and emergency of the fire had awakened something extraordinary. He was able to achieve a feat of strength without any conscious awareness of it. He reasoned that if he could do that act and overcome adversity subconsciously when he was ill, he most certainly could do it consciously. Brown Landone decided that he was not ever to go back to bed except to sleep at night. Brown Landone, after reaching adult age, was always well, happy and alert for the rest of his life.
Dr. Landone lived a full life and career of discoveries, serving his fellow mankind, writing and teaching. He was educated not only in America, but also England and France. He studied and received a Doctor of Divinity degree. He then studied medical science and received a degree in medicine.
During his medical practice, he observed many times that positive suggestion did more for his patients than did the medicine he prescribed. Also during his medical practice, Dr. Landone became one of the first neurologists that was later credentialed as psychiatrist. He achieved much and broke new ground in medical understanding by his work in localization of brain centers.
Doctor Brown Landone was known as an international historian, educator and author of many books and study courses. Also gifted as an artist, is works of art were so outstanding that leaders in five capitals in Europe made him President of the International Institute of Science of The Arts in Paris.
Dr. Brown Landone was scientifically trained but always spiritually minded. He also organized the first boys’ activities in the YMCA in 1895. He was President of the International Committee on New Education in 1905, which included 100 of the greatest educators in 17 countries.
Before the troubles of World War One in 1911, Brown Landone joined with other leaders and push to form a United States of Europe. While this did not occur, he was a loud and highly regarded voice of reason to the world.
He was also a prolific writer and expert in ancient history. He was Editor-in-Chief of a “History of Civilization” with associate editors Lorado Taft, William Hubbard, Edmund James and other noted educators. His books on ancient civilizations are read and utilized to this day.
In 1913 Brown Landone began to be invited to give lectures world wide. He lectured in Oxford University in England and then at the Sorbonne in Paris in 1913-1914. In a public lecture at the Sorbonne he predicted to the French audience that Germany would wage war within six months and was jeered at and ridiculed by the French. He again made the same prediction at a lecture in Queen’s Hall, London in May, 1914 and was hissed and laughed at by many. However, as Dr. Brown Landone had predicted, the World War began in July, 1914. His insight was rarely questioned since then.
His accurate prediction of war no doubt came from his insights when he was sent to Germany to make an economic survey of the German Empire. Landone completed his analysis of the German situation in early 1914. His mind was well attuned to the psychological motivations of people and could always analize situations and people in a very uncanny way.
As a result of Dr. Brown Landone’s acute intellect and expert analysis, the President of France appointed Dr. Landone special ambassador for France during World War One to the United States. He also became consultant to sales managers of the Ford Motor Company, U. S. Steel, and Metropolitan Life companies in the United States.
After a study of economic socialism in Germany, he exposed the method by which the German Imperial Government deceptively made their state socialism appear profitable while it was not. He also discovered hidden items and agendas in reports made by the Japanese government, which proved to the world that the Japanese were then using funds intended for education and schools to secretly build their submarine fleet.
Dr. Landone was father to three sons. He experienced a personal tragedy that all three of his sons were casualties of war. Because of this personal tragedy, Brown Landone turned his efforts to helping nations seek peace as well as being instrumental in forming a European Peace Foundation. Dr. Brown Landone wrote: “There will never be continuing peace on earth until a transformation is wrought by love in the heart of man.” His personal loss fueled his efforts for peace and reason in the world.
For many years, Brown Landone worked and lectured regularly in New York City. He maintained an office and publishing center in Newton, New Jersey. Later he relocated to Winter Park, Florida, where he employed a large staff and issued his publications from his home in Florida. His interests were quite diverse.
In 1930 as silent movies were changing to sound, he was called to assist in Hollywood. His technical expertise was in fitting the voice to microphone and the microphone to the voice.
He was also quite an expert in horticulture as well as agriculture. He experimented with an Asian shrub type plant called the Ramie, which is used as a fiber in textile manufacturing. His demonstrations in his experimental horticulture was held in his Winter Park, Florida home. Many prominent people were in attendance from all over the United States of America. The Landone Foundation, founded by Dr. Landone, conducted an experimental farm and successfully grew the Ramie plant in large quantities.
Brown Landone had a unique quality of always being able to divine truth within the latest developments of the scientific fields. Among the years of his scientific work, he had been close friends with many great artists, writers, and international celebrities. He was continually invited to speak before Civic Groups and clubs of America, such as Rotary, Kiwanas, and many scientific bodies.
He maintained a highly tuned work ethic and devoted his entire time to this diligence. Many days he kept a staff of secretaries working both night and day to keep up with his prolific expressions of new ideas. Through the years his main theme of teaching was to be ever seeking and aware of new ideas while expressing them with love for the good of all people..
Dr. Landone was a prolific writer. He authored more than 100 books that covered many subjects such as Leadership, Science, Civilization, History, Peace and Religion. Among them are such titles as “Your Path Direct to Your Goal,” “The Methods of Truth Which I Use,” “Transforming Your Life in 24 Hours,” “The A B C of Truth,” and “Spiritual Revelations of the Bible.”
In June of the year 1940, Doctor Brown Landone began to write a column for the Winter Park Herald Newspaper titled “The Voice of the World”. He later changed the name of the article to “This Changing World.” He was such a prolific columnist, that the last printed article of this column appeared in the October 19th issue of newspapers which was many days after he had died peacefully at the age of 98.
Brown Landone was one of the truly great leaders of the American Spirit. An active worker in the New Thought Alliance since its beginning, almost every international Congress program bears his name. He continued to attract huge audiences to his Congressional lectures. Even when he was into his nineties, Dr. Brown Landone sojourned to the INTA Congress in Louisville, Kentucky in the year 1944 where he gave another of his vital messages imploring his listeners to make divine Love the keynote message for the post-war era in the United States as well as the world. He served several terms on the Executive Board of the INTA, and also as District President for the States of New York, New Jersey and Florida.
Dr. Landone was an outstanding teacher and lecturer for over sixty years. Known as Doctor Landone to the public, he was called “B.L.” by his friends as well as his co-workers.
His writings have helped millions of individuals succeed in life.

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